3 Steps to Higher Expectations

3 Steps to Higher Expectations

expectI had the biggest crush on a girl in school. This crush lasted from elementary to high school. Her name was Kathy. She was in some of my classes. I frequently saw her in the hallways and at lunch time.
I was so amazed at her beauty. In fact to me she was the most beautiful young lady I ever saw.
Every day I wore my best clothes, made sure my hair was combed. I even worked out a little more to impress her. But each time she came into view, I choked.
I wanted to say something. Anything would have been better than just staring.
Graduation day came and went. One day, about eighteen years later, I saw Kathy in a sporting goods store. I had learned a little about life and so I finally spoke to her. Here’s what I said.
“Hi. You probably don’t remember me, but we graduated together. From high school? I want to tell you that I had the biggest crush on you. You were to me, the most beautiful girl in school.”
Kathy looked at me and smiled. “Yes, I remember you. You should have said something. I am happily married and have a child now. But its so nice to see you again David.”
Expectations are thoughts that arouse feelings of intense eager enjoyment, fear, dread or other emotional responses. These in turn, profoundly effect your nervous system which influence your movements, vocal inflection, relationships and your destiny. EX
If I had known the power of expectation and how it originates from your thoughts, I might have been braver talking to Kathy. I could have been her husband.
Have you ever failed to do something simply because you were insecure or afraid? Would you like to know how to create better results by changing your expectation? Keep reading.
What is an expectation? Expectations are thoughts that connect to your nervous system through emotions which carry the message of those creating physical movements both big and small. As a teenager my thoughts toward Kathy were “She is so beautiful, I don’t THINK she would ever talk to me.”
Can you change your expectations to change your destiny?
YES you can, and here is how to do it.
1. STOP what ever you are doing right now and sit. Take a few deep breaths. This will calm your heart rate down, slowing your thoughts and emotional reactions.
2. THINK about a time when you expected something and it didn’t turn out the way you thought it would. What were you thinking at the time? Was it a negative thought or positive? What feeling were you experiencing? Fear? Elation? Joy?
3. TRY the same activity again but this time expect something different by speaking your expectation out loud. For example: I expect this activity to be even more enjoyable and fulfilling than the last time.
Practice these 3 steps consistently for 30 days applying them to anything you want to change in your life. Change your thoughts will change your emotional responses which will change your destiny. Keep a journal of your thoughts, emotions and the tangible changes in your life.
As a coach I have helped hundreds of people change their expectations applying these 3 steps in their acting careers, relationships and finances. Contact me for a free 45 min. coaching consultation.
David Thompson