‘ “Oh thief, I know your here!”  Bilbo froze. He knew the dragon was watching him and why. It was the dragons purpose in life to guard his treasure. What treasure surrounds you? What ever you see becomes your focal point.

Your brain is the organ that allows you to see, not your eyes. The eyes are simply the gate way, the window to understanding and imagination.

DO you know your purpose? Destiny? Where are you now? Are you staying where you are at because you’ve given up? Are you living in comfortable misery?

LOOK DEEP inside your heart’s core. Where do you belong?

What sets your soul on fire? fire

These are DEEP questions but so is your soul.  Anyone can follow a wide road, but it takes guts to step onto the narrow one.
The Road Less Traveled.  frost.jpg

Share with you something?  When you die you leave only 1 thing.  A LEGACY. legacy

What legacy do you want to leave? What contribution do you want to offer the world?


Are you reading this? That means you still have a chance to change your stars!


proverbs 1412  There are 2 roads. LIFE or DEATH.

Death is not dying it’s giving up a dream.


CLICK HERE AND LISTEN to this very familiar song.