The Box. You got one? If your past the age of 10 you probably do.

Me too.


My name is David and I have a box.

What’s a box? Its a mentality, belief that society gives you. Children don’t have a box.

Their imagination station is WIDE OPEN.

You can see it.


**Society says, go to school, get good grades. Get a job or a degree. Buy a car and a house. If you can’t afford it develop a debt ratio. ( oops, im sorry i mean a credit score).


Wear the right clothes, eat out occasionally, see this movie, vote, be quiet but speak up.

The list goes on. Your box has 5 sides,  not six. A top to keep you from growing and dreaming too big. A left side to limit the right side of your brain. I.E. your creative side. To your right you’ll see a wall. That one is connected to the left side of your brain. The logical side that has the power to find answers to any question. Then there’s the front and back of the box.

Does this limit your vision of the future?

Your surrounded!

But wait? What about the bottom? They forgot!
You can see what kind of ground your standing on.
You have a choice on what belief your standing on.

Determine that…and you’ll see your way out of the B.S. ( Boxed Society)

David Thompson